Members' Lunch with the Labour Party

15 July, 2015
  Member only event

Andrew Little sq2Elected Labour leader in November 2014, Andrew has started a process of policy review for his party. We want to find out where this will lead Labour, and conversely, Labour is interested in establishing a dialogue with The New Zealand Initiative and its members.

About the speaker

Andrew Little was elected to Parliament in 2011, and Labour Party leader in 2014. His first job was as a solicitor for the Engineers Union (later EPMU), working on employment law and ACC issues. Andrew was appointed national secretary of the EPMU in 2000. He was elected president of the Labour Party in 2009 and has served on the boards of VUW, TEC, and WITT (Taranaki Polytechnic). Since becoming an MP he has held the ACC, Tourism, Justice and Labour portfolios. Andrew studied philosophy, law, and public policy at Victoria University.


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