Members' Meeting with Hon Nick Smith and Professor Stuart McCutcheon

21 November, 2014
  Member only event

SmithMcCutcheon2Nick Smith won the Tasman seat in 1990 and 1993, and following the introduction of MMP, Nelson in 1996, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2011 and 2014 despite both having a long previous history as Labour areas.

In 2014, he secured exactly 20,000 votes - increasing his majority to 7,605 while National secured its highest ever party vote in Nelson with 16,904 votes.

Nick has held 12 Ministerial portfolios in the Bolger, Shipley and Key Cabinets, from Conservation, Building and Construction, Housing, Education, Immigration, Corrections, Social Welfare, Treaty Negotiations, Environment, ACC, Climate Change and Local Government.


Professor Stuart McCutcheon was appointed Vice-Chancellor in January 2005.

The Vice-Chancellor is the head of the University and is responsible for providing academic leadership along with effective management, and for leading strategic planning and directing resource allocation.

Professor McCutcheon is also chair of the University's research commercialisation company, Auckland UniServices Limited.



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