Webinar: Unpopular Opinons: Academic Freedom in New Zealand

Dr James Kierstead, Dr Oliver Hartwich & Prof Grant Schofield
21 August, 2024

Academic freedom is under threat across the English-speaking world. Is New Zealand part of this trend?
In this new report, we provide evidence that it is, presenting 72 testimonies from academics, the results of five surveys, and 21 academic freedom incidents that have occurred in New Zealand over the past decade. We also discuss the three main threats to academic freedom in New Zealand: progressive extremism, the Chinese Communist Party, and the managerial or ‘neo-liberal’ university.
Join Dr James Kierstead, Research Fellow and author of the report, Dr Oliver Hartwich, Executive Director, and AUT Professor Grant Schofield for this webinar launching the report. It will include an overview of the evidence presented in the report and some of its themes, such as our universities’ political imbalance, their dependence on the Chinese market, and an increasing concern for their ‘brands.’

Date: Wednesday, 21 August 2024 
Time: 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm 

Please register for the webinar via this link. Also, submit your questions in advance on Slido.com using code #3044579 

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