Showing all Events tagged with Public Forums

PeterCochrane feature

A global lens on our digital future with Peter Cochrane

"In a connected world no man is an island and neither is his country” Economies and workforces are now globalised with wealth generation determined by the connectivity of national infrastructures, industrial investment and workforce adaptability. Unfortunately, history gives us little guidance to our future as we have never before enjoyed such technological riches or endured the accelerating rates of change! Read more

11 October, 2016
Debates feature LucyHarrison

Next Generation Debates 2016 Wellington Grand-final

Come along and listen to some of New Zealand’s top university debaters battle over the moot: This house believes New Zealand should accommodate 60,000 refugees per year. We have panellists Hon Paul Goldsmith, Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (National) and Denise Roche, Spokesperson for Immigration, Pacific Peoples, and Ethnic Affairs (Green Party)

Date: Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Time: 5.30 PM - 8.00 PM
Location: City Gallery Wellington, Civic Square, 101 Wakefield St, Wellington Read more

24 August, 2016
Debates feature JamieTocher

Next Generation Debates 2016 Auckland Semi-final

Come along and listen to some of New Zealand’s top university debaters battle over the moot: This house would ban religious symbols in public. We have panellists Race Relations Commissioner Dame Susan Devoy and former TV journalist Lindsay Perigo. Read more

15 August, 2016
Debates feature TamaraJenkin

Next Generation Debates 2016 Wellington Semi-final

Come along and listen to some of New Zealand’s top university debaters battle it out with the moot: This house would reduce household inequality by banning those with university degrees from marrying each other. We will have panellists Head of Research of The New Zealand Initiative Dr Eric Crampton and Senior Economist at Infometrics Matt Nolan. Read more

10 August, 2016
Stephen Jennings feature1

Dinner Lecture with Stephen Jennings

On Thursday 14 July, the Initiative hosted Stephen Jennings for a dinner lecture. Jennings, the Taranaki-born economist and investor, has spent the past 24 years outside New Zealand. Read more

14 July, 2016
JenesaJeram feature

The Health of the State Panel Discussion

The New Zealand Initiative welcomes you to a panel discussion on the rise of ‘lifestyle regulations’. While we may be used to policies that address the negative outcomes of smoking, we now see policies aimed at what you eat and drink too. Read more

20 April, 2016
OliverHartwich feature

The End of EU-rope?

The European Union has been in crisis for many years. Simultaneous sovereign debt, banking and monetary crises have tested the European institutions to the limit. Read more

17 February, 2016
Roderick Deane feature1

Lost in the Regulatory Maze with Sir Roderick Deane

In today’s economy, regulations are ubiquitous. Successive governments have bequeathed us a legacy of thousands of pages of legislation and regulations which, in theory, every company manager and director should know. Read more

10 November, 2015
PhilTwyford feature

Next Generation Debates 2015 Wellington Grand-final

Come along and listen to some of New Zealand’s top university debaters battle it out with the moot: This house believes that high house prices make us poorer as a nation. We will have panellists Phil Twyford, MP, Labour Party Housing Spokesperson and Andrew King, Executive Officer, New Zealand Property Investors Federation. Read more

19 August, 2015
SueBradford feature

Next Generation Debates 2015 Auckland Semi-final

Come along and listen to some of New Zealand’s top university debaters battle it out with the moot: This house believes that economic growth always comes at the expense of people and the environment. We will have panellists Sir Roger Douglas and Sue Bradford. Read more

12 August, 2015
MaryanStreet feature

Next Generation Debates 2015 Wellington Semi-final

Come along and listen to some of New Zealand’s top university debaters battle it out with the moot: This house would legalise euthanasia. We will have panellists Maryan Street (former Labour MP) and Dr Stephen Child of NZMA. Read more

11 August, 2015
Chris Berg feature1

Liberty, Equality & Democracy with Chris Berg

At The New Zealand Initiative we believe that people can be trusted to make their own decisions. Which is why we are concerned that governments are increasingly telling us what and how much to eat, whether to drink, or how to arrange our financial affairs. Read more

29 June, 2015
Wellington and Auckland
Hekia Parata feature1

Report Launch: Un(ac)countable with Minister of Education

On Thursday, 4 June Minister of Education Hekia Parata will launch our new report. The report investigates a programme introduced to New Zealand primary schools 15 years ago that changed the way maths is taught, and tracks maths achievement over that time. Read more

4 June, 2015

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