Webinar: Who makes the law? - Reining in the Supreme Court

Roger Partridge, Jack Hodder and Oliver Hartwich
15 October, 2024


Who really makes the laws in New Zealand? Is it our democratically elected politicians or unaccountable judges?

In this webinar, we examine the growing concern over judicial overreach in New Zealand. Roger Partridge's new report "Who Makes the Law?" challenges the Supreme Court's recent decisions and their implications for our constitutional balance.

Drawing on recent court cases and legal analysis, we will explore:

  • How the Supreme Court has adopted a loose approach to interpreting laws passed by Parliament.
  • The Court's reshaping of common law based on judges' perceptions of changing social values.
  • The consequences of judicial overreach for democratic legitimacy and the rule of law.
  • Recommendations for restoring the proper balance between the judiciary and Parliament.

Join Roger Partridge, prominent barrister Jack Hodder KC, and Dr Oliver Hartwich for a critical discussion on the role of the judiciary in New Zealand's democracy - and how we can address the challenges posed by an overreaching court.

Date: Tuesday, 15 October 2024 Time: 2:30pm-3:30pm

Please register for the webinar via this link. Also, submit your question in advance on Slido.com using code #4021803

About the speakers: 

Roger Partridge, Senior Fellow, NZ Initiative 
Roger Partridge is chair of The New Zealand Initiative and a senior fellow in its research team. He writes regularly on public policy and legal issues. He is a former litigation partner and chair of Bell Gully and a former member of the New Zealand Law Society Council. He is an Honorary Fellow and former director of the Legal Research Foundation. He holds law degrees from the University of Auckland and Cambridge University.

Jack Hodder KC, Barrister and Senior King's Counsel 
Jack Hodder KC is one of New Zealand's most respected litigators, with over 40 years of experience. Appointed King's Counsel in 2008, he has appeared in more than 600 cases in New Zealand's superior courts. Hodder specializes in commercial, regulatory, and public law matters. He was formerly a partner at Chapman Tripp and now practices as a barrister at Thorndon Chambers in Wellington and Shortland Chambers in Auckland.

Dr Oliver Hartwich, Executive Director, NZ Initiative 
Before joining the Initiative, Oliver was a Research Fellow at the Centre for Independent Studies in Sydney, the Chief Economist at Policy Exchange in London, and an advisor in the UK House of Lords. Oliver holds a Master’s degree in Economics and Business Administration and a PhD in Law from Bochum University in Germany.

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