You searched Publications for "" and got 33 results

Cover What happened on Black Monday by Carl Hansen

Research Note: What happened on Black Monday?

Last week, on Monday 9 August, very cold weather over most of the country meant national electricity demand reached a record high. About 35,000 consumers (1.75% of consumers) experienced power outages between 7 – 9 pm. Read more

Carl Hansen, Former Chief Executive of the New Zealand Electricity Authority (2010 – 2018)
Research Note
18 August, 2021
Cover transport submission

Submission: Transport Emissions - Pathways to Net Zero by 2050

In our submission to the Ministry of Transport on transport emissions - pathways to net zero by 2050, we support the commitment to lower emissions and our national emissions targets. MoT’s strategy to reduce transport emissions is incompatible with national targets. Read more

23 June, 2021
cover page Com Com submission v2

Submission: Ensuring our energy and airports regulation is fit for purpose

In our submission to the Commerce Commission on its open letter "Ensuring our energy and airports regulation is fit for purpose" we urge the Commerce Commission to act consistently with our statutory emissions targets as they are worded in the legislation. Terms like “decarbonisation,” “energy transition” and “low carbon economy” are not consistent with our statutory targets. Read more

7 May, 2021
ETS FAQ cover image

The Emissions Trading Scheme FAQ

The Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) uses prices to lower emissions. The scheme launched in New Zealand in 2008 and it is now one of the best-designed schemes in the world. Read more

Research Note
30 March, 2021
Climate change comm submission cover march v3

Submission: Draft Emissions Budget

In our submission to the Climate Change Commission on the draft emissions budget, we support the commitments to emissions targets under the Paris agreement and to net zero emissions from 2050. We have two overarching recommendations that we explain in the submission: 1. Read more

25 March, 2021
2020 Annual Report cover

2020 Annual Report

The year 2020 was one none of us will forget in a hurry. Lives were put on hold. Read more

Annual Report
22 March, 2021

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