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Leonard Hong

Research Assistant

Leonard Hong is a Research Assistant with The New Zealand Initiative and has written research notes on East Asian nations’ Covid-19 containment responses. In 2019, he completed his BA/BCom conjoint degree at The University of Auckland majoring in Politics & International Relations, History, Economics, and International Business. Before joining the Initiative, he was a research intern at The Centre for Independent Studies in Sydney working on economic, cultural and global affairs.

Leonard is a member of the National Unification Advisory Council, a constitutional agency advocating Korean Reunification. He is also a 2020 Prime Minister’s Scholar for Latin America, and a Youth Councillor with the US Embassy.

Latest reports:

Walking the path to the next global financial crisis (2021)
The Need to Build: The demographic drivers of housing demand
Research Note: Lessons from East Asia's Covid-19 Containment (2020)
Research Note: Lessons from Abroad: Taiwan's Covid-19 Containment Model (2020)
Research Note: Lessons from abroad: South Korea's Covid-19 containment model (2020)
Research Note: Lessons from abroad: Singapore’s Covid-19 containment model (2020)

Scroll down to read the rest of Leonard's work.


Phone: 04 499 0790

Email: leonard.hong@nzinitiative.org.nz

Recent Work

Podcast image v9

Podcast: Bryce Wilkinson and Leonard Hong on walking the path to the next GFC

Bryce Wilkinson and Leonard Hong discuss their latest report "Walking the path to the next global financial crisis" and the implications for New Zealand. To listen to our latest podcasts, please subscribe to The New Zealand Initiative podcast on iTunes, Spotify or The Podcast App. Read more

Dr Bryce Wilkinson ONZM
12 November, 2021
Cover website v2

Walking the path to the next global financial crisis

New Zealand must prepare for next global financial crisis New Zealand’s economy suffered less damage from the pandemic than analysts expected. But new research warns, however, that just as we are emerging from the COVID-19, a new crisis is already on the horizon. Read more

Dr Bryce Wilkinson ONZM
Research Note
4 November, 2021

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