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Dr Matthew Birchall

Adjunct Fellow

Matthew is an Adjunct Fellow at The New Zealand Initiative, focusing on infrastructure and transport policy.

A historian by training, Matthew's writing on the British Empire has been published in the Journal of Global History and Global Intellectual History. He was awarded the Royal Historical Society's prestigious Alexander Prize in 2021 for the best scholarly article based upon original historical research.

Matthew holds an MA (Hons) in International Relations & Modern History from the University of St Andrews, an M.Phil. in Political Thought & Intellectual History from the University of Cambridge and a PhD in history, also from the University of Cambridge.

Phone: 04 499 0790


Recent Work

EPS 154 Higher education

Podcast: Higher education in New Zealand

In this podcast episode, we explore the state of education in New Zealand, both at the school and university levels. Drawing from our own experiences, we discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the current education system and the challenges that students face in their pursuit of higher education. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
Dr Michael Johnston
Dr James Kierstead
Dr Matthew Birchall
18 April, 2023
Julius Vogel square

The value in Vogel

Political theatre is not usually associated with Julius Vogel (1835-99), the chief architect of the radical expansion of New Zealand’s rail network in the 1870s. A poor speaker, Vogel was also partially deaf in one ear – no small handicap in the heyday of parliamentary debate. Read more

Dr Matthew Birchall
Insights Newsletter
23 September, 2022

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