Final Oliver Hartwich

Dr Oliver Hartwich

Executive Director

Oliver is the Executive Director of The New Zealand Initiative. Before joining the Initiative, he was a Research Fellow at the Centre for Independent Studies in Sydney, the Chief Economist at Policy Exchange in London, and an advisor in the UK House of Lords. Oliver holds a Master’s degree in Economics and Business administration and a PhD in Law from Bochum University in Germany.

Oliver is available to comment on all of the Initiative’s research areas.

Phone: +64 4 499 0790


Recent Work

2024 06 21 AI in education website

Podcast: AI in Education: Navigating the opportunities and risks

This podcast episode is from our recent AI in education webinar where Michael presents his report on generative AI in education, emphasising its potential as a supportive tool while cautioning against replacing traditional learning methods. Prof Barbara Oakley joins as a special guest to provide expert commentary on the cognitive science aspects. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
Dr Michael Johnston
Professor Professor Barbara Oakley
21 June, 2024
website david seymour fdi

Open for investment

At The New Zealand Initiative, we have long advocated a more welcoming stance towards foreign direct investment (FDI). Our research has consistently shown that New Zealand needs foreign capital to boost growth, and that our restrictive FDI rules have been a major barrier to attracting overseas investment. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
Insights Newsletter
14 June, 2024
website david seymour

Capital Markets Report: Opening the door to investment

For over a decade, we at The New Zealand Initiative have been staunch advocates for liberalising New Zealand’s foreign direct investment (FDI) regime. Our consistent message has been that New Zealand needs an influx of foreign capital to accelerate economic growth, and that our current FDI rules are overly restrictive, acting as a significant deterrent to potential investors. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
NZ Herald
13 June, 2024
website ecb

The big eurozone gamble

The European Central Bank’s decision to cut interest rates for the first time since 2019 is a significant turning point in the Eurozone’s monetary policy. After months of grappling with stubbornly high inflation, the ECB has finally blinked, betting that the worst of the post-pandemic price pressures are behind us. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
11 June, 2024
Website rn

A far-right falling out in Europe

As the European Parliament elections loom next month, a political earthquake is reshaping the landscape of the continent’s far-right. In a stunning move, Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National (RN) party has abruptly severed ties with its long-time German ally, the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
28 May, 2024

The Platform: Dr Oliver Hartwich talks about the upcoming Budget Day

Dr Oliver Hartwich talks to Sean Plunket on The Platform about the importance and implications of the upcoming New Zealand government budget. He emphasises focusing on key figures like the return to budget surplus and controlling government spending, which have long-term consequences for the country, rather than getting bogged down in granular details. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
Sean Plunket
The Platform
27 May, 2024

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