Free Kiwis! podcast: Emeritus Professor Roger Openshaw

Dr Michael Johnston
Dr James Kierstead
Professor Emeritus Roger Openshaw
20 February, 2023

Roger Openshaw is Emeritus Professor of Education at Massey University. We drew on his rich knowledge of NZ educational history as we discussed the changing relationship between central government and NZ schools over the past century or so; the perils and promises of the new history curriculum; and how solid the evidence is for the common assertion that the NZ education system is racist.

This week's podcast is a Free Kiwis episode. Free Kiwis! is a podcast focussing on freedom and free speech in a New Zealand context, hosted by two Wellington-based academics, Drs. Michael Johnston (VUW Education) and James Kierstead (VUW Classics). Michael and James are also both Fellows at The New Zealand Initiative.

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