The New Zealand Business Roundtable has published a number of studies on various aspects of New Zealand's welfare state aimed at promoting reforms which would: improve the quality, responsiveness and cost-effectiveness of social services. The real value of every dollar spent on social services, whether by individual New Zealanders directly or by the government on their behalf, could be increased by allowing greater freedom of choice in consumption and increased competition in delivery; reduce the pressure of the welfare state on the government's budget. Read more
Housing policy: Some broader perspectives
Options for Health Care in New Zealand
This report reviews and evaluates the options for changing the financing and delivery of health care in New Zealand. Our analysis is motivated by widespread dissatisfaction with the level and quality of services produced by the current system, and particularly by the public hospitals. Read more
Submission: Justice and Law Reform Select Committee of the House of Representatives on the Companies Bill
Submission: Labour Select Committee on the Employment Contracts Bill
Employment Equity - Issues of Competition and Regulation
This report looks into more efficient and equitable means of reducing the potential for discrimination in employment relations. Read more
The New Zealand and Australian Social Security and Welfare Systems: A Comparative Study
This study uses a comparative approach in order to identify priorities for social security and welfare reform in New Zealand. Read more
Sustaining Economic Reform
In September 1989, the New Zealand Round Table published a series of speeches and articles in a volume entitled Economic and Social Policy. Read more
Port reform in New Zealand: A mid term update
In September 1989, the New Zealand Business Roundtable (NZBR) and Federated Farmers of New Zealand Inc. (FFNZ) published a comprehensive analysis of ports and shipping reform. Read more
Submission: Labour Select Committee on the Occupational Safety and Health Bill
Port Reform in New Zealand: A Mid Term Update
In September 1989, the New Zealand Business Roundtable (NZBR) and Federated Farmers of New Zealand Inc. (FFNZ) published a comprehensive analysis of ports and shipping reform. Read more
Populate or languish? Rethinking New Zealand's immigration policy
The origin of this study was an invitation by the New Zealand Business Roundtable to come to New Zealand and think about revamping immigration policy so that it might better fit in with the now fairly deregulated, outward‐looking economic environment in New Zealand. This was a somewhat risky proposition in that ʹparachute expertsʹ may get things badly wrong when they deal with such intricate matters as immigration. Read more
Starting a new venture in New Zealand: A case study in labour relations
Evidence from the United States and other OECD countries shows that most new jobs are created in small businesses. The same is undoubtedly true in New Zealand, especially when it is considered that few New Zealand enterprises are large by international standards. Read more
Submission: Labour Select Committee on the Labour Relations Amendment Bill
Fiscal policy and economic growth
The annual government budget statement is traditionally the time when the government restates its economic policy its economic policy direction, and outlines its economics goals. It also provides an opportunity for the public to assess the strengths and weaknesses of these policies. Read more