Submission: Resource Management (Consents and Other System Changes) Amendment Bill

Dr Eric Crampton
10 February, 2025


1.1 This submission on the Resource Management (Consents and Other Systems Changes) Amendment Bill is made by The New Zealand Initiative (the Initiative), a Wellington-based think tank supported primarily by major New Zealand businesses. In combination, our members employ more than 150,000 people.

1.2 The Initiative undertakes research that contributes to the development of sound public policies in New Zealand, and we advocate for the creation of a competitive, open and dynamic economy and a free, prosperous, fair and cohesive society.

1.3 The Initiative’s members span the breadth of the New Zealand economy; a well-functioning and efficient approvals regime for infrastructure and development projects is important to them. The views expressed in this submission are those of the author rather than the New Zealand Initiative’s members.

1.4 In summary, we submit that the Bill should proceed, subject to the following:

(a) Making the medium density residential standards (MDRS) optional should include stronger guardrails to ensure housing targets will be able to be met, including:

(i) The retention of ministerial approval for streamlined planning process decisions, including for those wishing to opt-out.

(ii) Opt-out being allowed only for those councils demonstrating, through price indicators, that housing in their area is already affordable - with ongoing checks ensuring that it remains affordable.

(iii) Opt-out councils being required to approve upzoning private plan changes at zoning boundaries where the boundary imposes a substantial price premium.

(b) Provisions making it easier to cut red tape for investment in renewable energy should be extended to all infrastructure investment. Emissions targets should be met through the emissions trading scheme.

(c) Where significant natural hazards are present, councils should not be able to decline or attach conditions to otherwise compliant land use consents. Property owners should be able to develop and use their land at their own risk and accepting of any consequences.

(d) Consideration of whether iwi/hapu should be recognised as planning, zoning, and consenting authorities on their own land.

(e) Inclusion of a sunset clause that provides for the Bill’s provisions to be repealed once the RMA replacement has been enacted.

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