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researchED Feature6

research-ED Festival of Education

We partnered with researchED to reignite evidence-based education in New Zealand. On Saturday 2nd June, over 240 passionate educators, parents, researchers and school trustees gathered at Auckland Grammar School to discuss the evidence on effective education. Read more

2 June, 2018
KatharineBirbalsingh feature2

Dinner lecture with Katharine Birbalsingh

On Thursday 31 May 2018, The New Zealand Initiative hosted Katharine Birbalsingh for a dinner lecture in Auckland. New Zealand-born Katharine Birbalsingh studied at Oxford University before becoming a teacher. Read more

31 May, 2018
StuartNash feature

The Future Catch Panel Discussion

The Future Catch was launched with a panel discussion in Wellington on 4 December. Randall Bess (report author), Stuart Nash (Minister of Fisheries), Sir Mark Solomon (Deputy Chair, Te Ohu Kaimoana) and Bob Gutsell (Vice President, New Zealand Sport Fishing Council) discussed the issues facing the recreational fishing sector. Read more

4 December, 2017
SueB BryceW

Welfare, Work and Wellbeing Panel Discussion

We released our report on welfare policy, Welfare, Work and Wellbeing: From Benefits to Better Lives, with a panel discussion on 28 November in Wellington. Author Bryce Wilkinson and social activist and former MP Sue Bradford, who wrote the foreword, discussed the report's findings with a diverse and knowledgeable audience of about 100 people. Read more

28 November, 2017
RandallBess feature

Future of Recreational Fishing Public Meetings

To promote our policy recommendations on recreational fisheries management, The New Zealand Initiative organised a series of public consultation meetings. Randall Bess travelled to five locations in the South Island and nine in the North Island to gather feedback on his recommendations for improving recreational fisheries in New Zealand. Read more

14 August, 2017
NikkiKaye feature

Amplifying Excellence Panel Discussion

Parents want good schools and good teachers for their children, and most educators want to pass their knowledge to their students. The New Zealand Initiative’s analyses discovered that too many students leave school unqualified, and many others languish in low performing schools. Read more

5 July, 2017

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