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DiscoverDenmark2019 feature

Discover Denmark: Business Delegation

Denmark is the destination for The New Zealand Initiative’s next business delegation. It follows in the footsteps of our 2017 mission to Switzerland, and it will once again provide opportunities to learn, to be surprised and to connect. Read more

23 June, 2019
  Member only event
retreat2019 feature

Members' Retreat 2019

Our Retreat is the chance to discuss social and economic issues with members and bring those issues to the attention of New Zealand’s leading politicians. Please contact Chelsy at for further information. Read more

21 March, 2019
  Member only event
retreatdinner2019 feature

Members' Retreat Dinner 2019

In conjunction with Air New Zealand, we will be hosting a dinner with Rt Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, 2006 - 2015 in Auckland on 21 March 2019. Read more

21 March, 2019
  Member only event
JamesShaw feature

Members' Lunch with Hon James Shaw

We are hosting a members' lunch with Hon James Shaw to discuss the Government’s climate change agenda and New Zealand’s energy future. Mercury’s chief executive Fraser Whineray will respond to the Minister’s presentation, and there will be an opportunity for questions to both the Minister and Fraser Whineray. Read more

7 December, 2018
  Member only event
Simon Bridges feature

Members' Lunch with Hon Simon Bridges

Having won the leadership of the National Party in March this year, Hon Simon Bridges has begun a process of policy renewal. We are hosting a lunchtime discussion with the Leader of the Opposition to find out where he wants to take his party and the country. Read more

13 September, 2018
  Member only event
PhilippeLegrain feature

Workshop Session with Philippe Legrain

There is a powerful business case for employing hard-working, talented and loyal refugees - it's much more than just corporate social responsibility. Philippe Legrain will present the findings of his ground-breaking international research that demonstrates the economic value of employing refugees, both for individual employers and for society as a whole. Read more

7 August, 2018
  Member only event
NicolaWillis feature1

Members' Lunch with Nicola Willis

Nicola Willis will discuss her new portfolio of early childhood education. About the speaker Nicola Willis is a List MP based in Wellington and is National’s spokesperson for Early Childhood Education, having entered Parliament in April 2018. Read more

6 July, 2018
  Member only event
David Parker Feature

Members' Lunch with Hon David Parker

As Minister for Economic Development, the Environment, Trade and Export Growth as well as Attorney-General and Associate Minister of Finance, Hon David Parker has one of the widest portfolios in the coalition Government. We have invited him to speak on the Government’s economic strategy. Read more

11 May, 2018
  Member only event

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