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website submarine

Europe’s impossible nuclear option

In a previous column I discussed the precarious state of European security in light of the rising threat of Russia and the potential decline of US involvement (Europe’s precarious security could invite Putin to expand war, 26 January 2024). Today, I will analyse a potential way for Europe to organise its own security: the development of a European nuclear shield. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
7 February, 2024

Dutch courage

Are you suffering from post-election fatigue? Did you feel the whole campaign was overly long and protracted, and a little boring? Read more

Insights Newsletter
1 December, 2023
pay and dismay

Pay and dismay

Last week it was reported that Queensland public servants have been offered up to five days of paid leave to tend to their ‘social and emotional wellbeing’ in the wake of the results of the Voice referendum. This is an obvious step in the right direction. Read more

Dr James Kierstead
Insights Newsletter
10 November, 2023

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