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David law v2

Podcast: What will rising inflation mean for first home buyers?

Ben Craven talks to New Zealand Initiative Senior Fellow Dr David Law about the implications of rising inflation, and how a different type of mortgage could make it more affordable to get on the housing ladder. If you would like to listen to our latest podcasts, please subscribe to The New Zealand Initiative podcast on iTunes, Spotify or The Podcast App. Read more

13 August, 2021
House prices building v4

RMA reform - let's not forget what the real issue is

A Berkeley professor once said that if you are Minister of the Environment, you are eventually Minister of Everything. The professor’s prediction is set to become real if the government’s Natural and Built Environments Act, or “NBA,” passes in anything like its current form. Read more

NZ Herald
10 August, 2021
Olympic games

Kiwi Olympics

Dear International Olympic Committee, Please find attached our bid to host the 2036 Olympics Games in Wellington. We noticed that at US$25 billion, Tokyo Olympics are the most expensive Games ever. Read more

Insights Newsletter
6 August, 2021

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