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Dr James Kierstead

Research Fellow

James is a Research Fellow with the Initiative and his main focus will be on higher education policy, including academic freedom.

James holds a BA in Classics from Oxford, an MA in Ancient History from the University of London, an MA in Political Science from Stanford, and a PhD in Classics from Stanford.

He is also the co-host (with Michael Johnston) of Free Kiwis!, a podcast dedicated to free speech in a New Zealand context, and he can be found on Twitter at @Kleisthenes2.


Phone: 04 499 0790


Recent Work

EPS 169 Prof John Raine

Podcast: The changing landscape of higher education

Join us in this thought-provoking podcast episode as Drs James Kierstead and Michael Johnston engage in a conversation with Emeritus Professor John Raine, an esteemed academic with extensive experience in the New Zealand education system. We explore the evolution of academic standards and university preparedness, discussing the impact of changes in the education system and the importance of foundational knowledge in subjects like mathematics and sciences. Read more

Dr Michael Johnston
Dr James Kierstead
Prof John Raine
21 July, 2023
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Solving the Mystery

Victoria University of WELLINGTON has announced a new $30-million research project to figure out how the university managed to dig itself a $30 million financial hole. ‘Some have suggested that spending more than you take in can have that effect over the long run,’ said Associate-Assistant Vice-Dean Barbara Boffin, ‘But it’s obviously something we need to investigate further.’ The losses were definitely not due to a new AI programme designed to find every instance of the university’s name anywhere in the world and capitalize every letter of the word WELLINGTON, said Super-Pro-Vice-Chancellor Tom Toady. Read more

Dr James Kierstead
Insights Newsletter
30 June, 2023
EPS 165 Universities in crisis

Podcast: Universities in crisis

Welcome to the New Zealand Initiative podcast! In this week’s episode, Drs Michael Johnston and James Kierstead discuss the challenges faced by universities in New Zealand, focusing on issues such as declining enrolments, the impact of international student numbers, and the need for universities to foster open and civil debate on controversial topics. Read more

Dr Michael Johnston
Dr James Kierstead
23 June, 2023

Media Release: A majority of staff at NZ universities revealed to be non-academics

Wellington (Monday, 19 June 2023) – The New Zealand Initiative has revealed that Victoria and Otago Universities employ more non-academic than academic staff, a situation prevalent in all New Zealand universities for the past decade. The findings, prepared by Drs. Read more

Dr Michael Johnston
Dr James Kierstead
Dr Dennis Wesselbaum
Media Release
19 June, 2023
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Surveillance is freedom

Last year, Kiri Allan was forced to withdraw the government’s latest ‘hate speech’ proposals, only a year or so after Kris Faafoi was forced to shelve similar plans. We have no doubt that you were as dismayed as we were by these developments (or lack of developments). Read more

Dr James Kierstead
Insights Newsletter
9 June, 2023
university new zealand

University challenge

Last week Victoria University of Wellington announced that it was looking to cut some 230 to 260 jobs as part of its plan to tackle a $30 million deficit. The news followed an announcement by the University of Otago that it would shed ‘several hundred’ positions in an effort to fill a $60 million dollar hole in its budget. Read more

Dr James Kierstead
Insights Newsletter
2 June, 2023
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Why Britain is in the Pacific

On March 31st, at a meeting of member-countries, it was agreed that the UK would join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). The CPTPP is one of the world’s largest free-trade blocs, accounting for 13% of global GDP, 15% of global trade, and 500 million people. Read more

Dr James Kierstead
Insights Newsletter
21 April, 2023
EPS 154 Higher education

Podcast: Higher education in New Zealand

In this podcast episode, we explore the state of education in New Zealand, both at the school and university levels. Drawing from our own experiences, we discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the current education system and the challenges that students face in their pursuit of higher education. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
Dr Michael Johnston
Dr James Kierstead
Dr Matthew Birchall
18 April, 2023
EPS 153 University administrative bloat

Podcast: New Zealand university administrative bloat

In this episode, Dr Oliver Hartwich and Dr James Kierstead discuss administrative bloat in New Zealand universities, focusing on the rise of non-academic staff and its potential consequences. Dr Kierstead shares some figures on the large number of non-academic employees compared to academic staff and compares the situation to other countries. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
Dr James Kierstead
14 April, 2023
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Shameful legacy: NZ’s ‘open society’ takes well-deserved beating

In September 1969, hippies thronged to Auckland’s Albert Park to stand up for free speech, protest the Vietnam War, and enjoy the grass. It was part of a movement for free love and free minds that was sweeping the English-speaking world at the time. Read more

Dr Michael Johnston
Dr James Kierstead
The Australian
28 March, 2023
EPS 149 Paul Kilmartin

Podcast: Mātauranga Māori & Science

Recent Ministry of Education publications bring mātauranga Māori concepts into the school curriculum. While concepts like mauri, a Māori term meaning “vital essence” or “life force”, may have something to offer science as a reflection of ecosystem health or the “life-supporting capacity” of rivers, any interpretation that equated mauri with chemical properties, or as “the binding force between the physical and the spiritual”, had no place in the chemistry curriculum and proposals to incorporate traditional knowledge in science curricula need a lot more reflection, with nobody excluded from the conversation. Read more

Dr James Kierstead
Prof Paul Kilmartin
20 March, 2023
EPS 145 Free Kiwis

Free Kiwis! podcast: Emeritus Professor Roger Openshaw

Roger Openshaw is Emeritus Professor of Education at Massey University. We drew on his rich knowledge of NZ educational history as we discussed the changing relationship between central government and NZ schools over the past century or so; the perils and promises of the new history curriculum; and how solid the evidence is for the common assertion that the NZ education system is racist. Read more

Dr Michael Johnston
Dr James Kierstead
Professor Emeritus Roger Openshaw
20 February, 2023

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