NZ Initiative James Kierstead 01w v2

Dr James Kierstead

Research Fellow

James is a Research Fellow with the Initiative and his main focus will be on higher education policy, including academic freedom.

James holds a BA in Classics from Oxford, an MA in Ancient History from the University of London, an MA in Political Science from Stanford, and a PhD in Classics from Stanford.

He is also the co-host (with Michael Johnston) of Free Kiwis!, a podcast dedicated to free speech in a New Zealand context, and he can be found on Twitter at @Kleisthenes2.


Phone: 04 499 0790


Recent Work

Free Speech Union Podcast

Free Speech Union's Podcast: The Roald Dahl Re-Edits and Dignity in Debate

Free Speech Union spokesperson Dane Giraud speaks to James Kierstead, who gives his summary of the failed hate speech laws before they discuss the need for generosity towards your ideological opponents, the woke re-editing of Roald Dahl's books, and the general issue with translations and tampering with texts.

Listen to the podcast Read more

Dr James Kierstead
Free Speech Union
20 February, 2023
silence Copy

On the spectrum

For all those who were hoping that the state would finally get tough on hate, the government’s dialling down of its ambitious hate speech reforms must have come as a crushing disappointment. All is not lost, though. Read more

Dr James Kierstead
Insights Newsletter
3 February, 2023
EPS 140 Free Kiwis

Free Kiwis! podcast: The Coddling of the American Mind

On many American university campuses over the last few years speakers are shouted down, students and professors say they are walking on eggshells and are afraid to speak honestly, and rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide are rising. Deplatforming in universities is also on the rise in New Zealand. Read more

Dr Michael Johnston
Dr James Kierstead
2 February, 2023
Eric Crampton

Free Kiwis! podcast: Democracy, online content regulation, smoking and pirates

This week's podcast is a Free Kiwis episode. Drs Michael Johnston and James Kierstead discussed a range of issues with Dr Eric Crampton. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
Dr Michael Johnston
Dr James Kierstead
Free Kiwis! Podcast
7 December, 2022
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James Kierstead and Michael Johnston on new NCEA trial results

James Kierstead and Michael Johnston discuss the results of a second pilot for literacy and numeracy assessments, as well as an upcoming survey on the extent to which university students are willing to express their ideas. To listen to our latest podcasts, please subscribe to The New Zealand Initiative podcast on iTunes, Spotify or The Podcast App. Read more

Dr Michael Johnston
Dr James Kierstead
28 October, 2022

Is the market economy making us less selfish?

If there’s one objection that proponents of the free market are familiar with, it’s that capitalism is anti-social. From Adam Smith to Gordon Gekko – so the objection goes – liberal and neo-liberal economists have been doing little else but reciting a mantra of ‘Greed is good.’ It was with this argument in mind that I found some recent research on markets and pro-sociality so intriguing. Read more

Dr James Kierstead
Insights Newsletter
14 October, 2022
University of Auckland square

Why won’t NZ defend academics’ right to freedom of speech?

Almost 30 years after leaving Quebec, and just short of ten years after moving to New Zealand, it’s not often that I get the chance to link the two. Recently, though, the government of my former home province passed an academic freedom bill that shows exactly what Wellington should be doing but isn’t – at least not yet. Read more

Dr James Kierstead
The Australian
12 October, 2022

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