Media release: New Zealand Initiative welcomes Government's Regional Deals Strategy

Dr Oliver Hartwich
22 August, 2024

Wellington (Thursday, 22 August 2024) - The New Zealand Initiative welcomes the government's newly released Regional Deals Strategic Framework, seeing it as a positive step towards empowering local communities and fostering economic growth.
Nick Clark, Senior Fellow at The New Zealand Initiative, says the framework aligns with many of the recommendations the think tank has been advocating for years.
"We're pleased to see the government embracing a more localist approach to economic development. This framework has the potential to unlock significant growth opportunities across New Zealand," says Clark.
Clark, who authored a research note on city and regional deals in May this year, notes several encouraging aspects of the government's strategy:
"The focus on long-term planning, improved funding tools for local government, and the emphasis on partnerships are all positive elements. These could drive real change by bringing together central government, local authorities, and the private sector."
However, Clark emphasises the need for a more ambitious approach in the future:
"While starting with five regions is a pragmatic approach, we hope to see deals extended more widely across the country. Ultimately, we'd like these deals to evolve into genuine devolution of power to local communities."
Clark cautions that the success of Regional Deals will depend on their implementation:
"The framework is promising, but the devil will be in the details. It's crucial that these deals genuinely empower local decision-making and aren't just another form of top-down control from Wellington."
The New Zealand Initiative encourages the government to consider broadening the scope of Regional Deals over time to include policy trial areas, as recommended in the Initiative's previous research.
"Regional Deals offer an exciting opportunity to reimagine the relationship between central and local government. We look forward to seeing how this framework develops and stand ready to contribute further to this important policy area," Clark concludes.


Nick Clark is available for comment. To schedule an interview, please contact:

Jamuel Enriquez, Marketing and Communications Manager
P: 021 022 34451
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