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Policy point Extra quarantine capacity for critical workers is critical2

Policy Point: Extra quarantine capacity for 'critical workers' is critical

On August 8, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the Government would consider loosening New Zealand’s border controls and strict visa regime. Ardern said the Government is “keen to get local businesses more access to essential skilled workers to help grow the economy and create opportunities for resident Kiwis.” The Government is right to be concerned about this issue. Read more

Roger Partridge
Policy Point
3 September, 2020
Doing whatever it takes with someone elses money 3

Research Note: Doing whatever it takes with someone else’s money

New Zealand is now on a dangerous path to higher public debt and unprecedented money printing with no credible plan for unwinding the situation before the next crisis, warns a new report by The New Zealand Initiative. Covid-19 and the various types of lockdown responses have caused many governments to go even more heavily into debt and print money to sustain asset prices with borrowed money. Read more

Dr Bryce Wilkinson
Research Note
12 June, 2020
Research Note Lessons from East Asias Covid 19 Containment 1

Research Note: Lessons from East Asia's Covid-19 Containment

Since the first cases of the Covid-19 virus emerged in the Chinese province of Wuhan, several East Asian countries including Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan have successfully 'flattened the curve' of infection rates. The three countries used common public policies in the first 50 days since each registered their 100th case. Read more

Joel Hernandez
Research Note
25 May, 2020
Research Note Lessons from Abroad Taiwans Covid 19 Containment Model 1

Research Note: Lessons from Abroad: Taiwan's Covid-19 Containment Model

Alongside South Korea, Taiwan is one of the few countries to “flatten the curve” of Covid-19 without a national lockdown due to its prior experience with the SARS epidemic of 2003. New Zealand’s pathway is similar to Taiwan’s and there are lessons to be learned as New Zealand moves into Alert Level 2. Read more

Joel Hernandez
Research Note
12 May, 2020

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