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Houses Wellington

On the housing crisis Labour and National need to grow up (and grow out)

Housing crisis makes growth all about ‘up-and-out’ not ‘up-or-out’ If you want affordable housing, it isn’t a choice between whether people should be able to build townhouses and apartments downtown or subdivisions at the city’s fringes. Cities need to be able to grow in all directions, guided by where people want to live and the cost of providing infrastructure. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
6 June, 2023
EPS 160 Peter Nunns Nadine Dodge

Podcast: Planning urban futures

Tune into this riveting podcast for a deep-dive into the world of urban planning and infrastructure development in New Zealand! Chief economist Eric Crampton is joined by the Infrastructure Commission’s Nadine Dodge and Peter Nunns to grapple with the complex yet fascinating concept of corridor protection and how foresight is essential to avoid future urban development headaches. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
Nadine Dodge, Peter Nunns
17 May, 2023
EPS 158 Economic Roundtable2

Podcast: Australia vs. New Zealand: Where to Thrive?

In this thought-provoking episode, the Initiative’s economists – Dr Oliver Hartwich, Dr Eric Crampton, Dr Tony Burton, and Dr Bryce Wilkinson – dive into the debate over whether Australia is a better option for skilled talent. They discuss the current challenges faced by New Zealand in terms of health, education, and infrastructure, and how the nation's performance is deteriorating relative to Australia. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
Dr Eric Crampton
Dr Bryce Wilkinson
9 May, 2023

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