Final Eric Crampton

Dr Eric Crampton

Chief Economist

Eric is the Chief Economist at The New Zealand Initiative. With the Initiative, he has worked in policy areas ranging from freshwater management to policy for earthquake preparedness, and from local government to technology policy. He has recently focused on policy related to Covid-19 response. He served as Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in Economics at the Department of Economics & Finance at the University of Canterbury from 2003 through 2014.

Eric’s columns and commentary appear regularly in New Zealand’s major media outlets, as well as on his blog, Offsetting Behaviour. He can also be found on Twitter at @ericcrampton.

Phone: +64 4 499 0790


Recent Work

NZ Initiative Submission NBEA and SPA combined Page 01

Submission: The Natural and Built Environment Bill and Spatial Planning Bill

This submission in response to the Natural and Built Environment Bill is made by The New Zealand Initiative, a Wellington-based think tank supported primarily by major New Zealand businesses. The Initiative has been deeply concerned about resource management policy and practice since its establishment in 2012. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
3 February, 2023
blackboard priorities 780x585 sq


When the government broke for the summer, Prime Minister Ardern told her Cabinet to cut its legislative cloth to suit the government’s election-year capacity. The government was attempting complex reform of the resource management system, council water infrastructure, and the entire health system. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
Insights Newsletter
27 January, 2023
Carbon emissions

World best ETS ruined by costly emissions nonsense

FIRST PUBLISHED OCT 31, 2022 Updated Jan 19, 2023 In June 2020, the Labour government strengthened New Zealand’s Emissions Trading Scheme, ensuring it would be effective in getting the country to net zero by 2050. The government then promptly forgot how an Emissions Trading Scheme works – if it ever understood the ETS in the first place. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
The Australian
19 January, 2023
EPS 139 Christian van der Pump

Podcast: Building market failure

In this week's podcast The New Zealand Initiative's chief economist, Dr Eric Crampton, chats with Christian van der Pump about building regulations, fire safety and the causes of 'market failure' in the building industry. Christian van der Pump is a professional engineer with qualifications in chemistry, engineering and economics. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
Christian van der Pump
18 January, 2023
Submission on the Grocery Industry Competition Bill Page 01

Submission: The Grocery Industry Competition Bill

This submission in response to the Grocery Industry Competition Bill is made by The New Zealand Initiative (the Initiative), a Wellington-based think tank supported primarily by major New Zealand businesses. The Initiative has been actively involved in the Commerce Commission’s market study process investigating retail grocery competition. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
12 January, 2023
jono alve

Podcast: Challenges proposed in new legislation for Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act

In this week's podcast The New Zealand Initiative's chief economist, Dr Eric Crampton, chats with Jonathan Alve, National Operations Manager at Hospitality New Zealand, about proposed amendments to the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act and the challenges these may hold for licence holders. To listen to our latest podcasts, please subscribe to The New Zealand Initiative podcast on iTunes, Spotify or The Podcast App. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
Jonathan Alve
14 December, 2022
LG Illustration HighRes copy

Whither local government?

Perhaps the timing was simply a coincidence. But not long after central government firmed up its intention to take water infrastructure away from local government, and its intention to shift planning up from local councils to regional bodies, Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta opened a review of local government. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
13 December, 2022
Eric Crampton

Free Kiwis! podcast: Democracy, online content regulation, smoking and pirates

This week's podcast is a Free Kiwis episode. Drs Michael Johnston and James Kierstead discussed a range of issues with Dr Eric Crampton. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
Dr Michael Johnston
Dr James Kierstead
Free Kiwis! Podcast
7 December, 2022

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