Research Note Localism Survey outline

The Pulse of Local Government

A new survey reveals that local councils across New Zealand want more power to make decisions for their communities, rather than having rules set by the central government in Wellington. The New Zealand Initiative, an independent think tank, surveyed New Zealand's mayors, councillors, and council chief executives. Read more

Research Note
23 August, 2024
Research Report Cover Academic Freedom outline

Unpopular Opinions: Academic Freedom in New Zealand

This research report provides a detailed and thoroughly documented examination of the state of academic freedom at our universities, together with an analysis of the main threats to academic freedom in this country at present. “We’ve collected 72 testimonies from academics, analysed 5 surveys of academics and students, and written up detailed reports on 21 incidents involving academic freedom that have occurred over the past decade in this country,” explained Dr James Kierstead, Research Fellow at the Initiative and author of the report. Read more

Dr James Kierstead
Research Report
21 August, 2024
Local cures cover with outline

Local Cures: A travelogue

Canada’s devolution of health services to First Nations provides a strikingly different way of thinking about localism, according to Dr Eric Crampton, Chief Economist with the New Zealand Initiative. “Canada’s central government has long provided, under treaty, a ‘medicine chest’ of funded services to First Nations peoples. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
Research Note
14 August, 2024
Research Note Revenue Share with outline v3

'Revenue share' for housing

The New Zealand Initiative has released a new research note examining how to implement revenue-sharing between central and local government, a policy the think tank has advocated for since 2013 and which the Government has now committed to pursue. The research note, titled 'Revenue Share' for Housing, explores options for councils to receive a portion of tax revenue from new housing developments, addressing New Zealand's persistent housing shortage. Read more

Research Note
7 August, 2024
Research Note Immigration

Are flying Kiwis fleeing?

The record net outflow of New Zealanders migrating to Australia and further afield should be seen as an "orange light" rather than a red light, according to a research note by The New Zealand Initiative. The report, Are Kiwis fleeing?, examines recent migration trends and finds that while the net outflow of 60,100 New Zealand citizens in the year to May 2024 is significant, it is currently offset by a near-record inflow of migrants who are likely more highly qualified than the average New Zealander. Read more

Dr Bryce Wilkinson
Research Note
23 July, 2024
Research Note Digital News with outline

The Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill

The New Zealand Initiative is urging the government to abandon the Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill, warning that the proposed legislation could harm the very news organisations it aims to help. In a new research note, the Initiative argues that the bill, which would require large digital platforms to negotiate payment for news content with New Zealand media companies, is based on flawed premises and risks significant unintended consequences. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
Research Note
10 July, 2024
Land Transport cover with outline

Driving Change: How road pricing can improve our roads

The New Zealand Initiative’s report proposes a comprehensive reform of the country's transport funding model. The report, Driving Change: How Road Pricing Can Improve Our Roads, authored by Senior Fellow Dr Matthew Birchall, argues that the current fuel tax based system is outdated and unfair. Read more

Dr Matthew Birchall
Research Report
9 July, 2024
The Future of Our Universities

The Future of Our Universities

This report is on the critical challenges facing the country's university sector, based on its tertiary education symposium "The Future of Our Universities" held in May 2024. The report, written by Dr James Kierstead, highlights several pressing issues threatening the sustainability and quality of tertiary education in New Zealand: Severe funding pressures, with universities collectively forecasting a deficit for the first time in 2024 Declining international rankings of New Zealand universities over the past decade Growing bureaucratisation diverting resources away from core teaching and research functions Concerns about threats to academic freedom and viewpoint diversity on campuses Underinvestment in research and development compared to other OECD countries "The challenges our universities face are complex and deeply entrenched,” said Dr Oliver Hartwich, Executive Director of The New Zealand Initiative. Read more

Dr James Kierstead
Research Note
4 July, 2024
AI cover outline

Welcome to the Machine: Opportunities and Risks of Generative Artificial Intelligence for Education

This report calls for a science-based approach to using artificial intelligence (AI) in classrooms. This will help schools get the most out of AI while reducing risks to teaching and learning. Welcome to the Machine: Opportunities and Risks of Generative Artificial Intelligence for Education, written by Senior Fellow Dr Michael Johnston, will help educators and policymakers navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of AI in education. Read more

Dr Michael Johnston
Research Report
17 June, 2024
Research Note City deals with outline

City and regional deals

This report, "City and regional deals", draws on the Initiative's extensive work on localism and international best practices to explore how partnerships between central and local government can empower communities to tackle their unique challenges and seize opportunities for growth. "For too long, our councils have borne the costs of growth while the benefits flow almost entirely to central government in Wellington," says Dr Oliver Hartwich, Executive Director of the New Zealand Initiative. Read more

Research Note
28 May, 2024
Research Note Final Cover with outline

Belt and Road Initiative: Implications for New Zealand

The New Zealand Initiative today released a research note highlighting the potential pitfalls of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its implications for New Zealand's foreign policy independence and infrastructure development. In the report, Belt and Road Initiative - Implications for New Zealand, authors Nick Clark and Dr Oliver Hartwich explore the BRI's origins, objectives, and recent developments. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
Research Note
2 May, 2024
Research Note NIIP Final Cover with outline

The mystery of the $52 billion gift: Does New Zealand have a fairy godmother?

This research note questions how New Zealand has managed to sustain its large and growing current account deficits with the rest of the world without seeing a corresponding deterioration in its net international investment position (NIIP). It highlights that while New Zealand has been spending more overseas than it earns, the country’s liabilities to the rest of the world have not increased nearly as much as one would expect. Read more

Dr Bryce Wilkinson
Research Note
14 March, 2024
policy point fast track

Policy Point: Fast-Track Approvals Bill

On 7 March 2024, the Coalition Government introduced a Fast-Track Approvals Bill. Its purpose is to ‘provide a streamlined decision-making process to facilitate the delivery of infrastructure and development projects with significant regional or national benefits’.1 The Bill is a key aspect of the Government’s programme for Resource Management Act (RMA) Reform.2 It is part of the National and New Zealand First coalition agreement and a key component of the Government’s 100-Day Plan. Read more

Policy Point
13 March, 2024

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