Elizabeth University's free speech panel

After criticism of his decision to postpone its free speech event after a student protested the involvement of ‘big meanies,’ Elizabeth University of HAMILTON Vice-Chancellor Jac Jones proved the nay-sayers wrong, showcasing diversity with an event at which 80% of the speakers took exactly the same view. ‘My critics didn’t think I had the cojones – sorry, the courage (I really do apologise),’ Jones said. Read more

Dr James Kierstead
Insights Newsletter
31 May, 2024
City deals website thumbnail

Media Release: Unlocking New Zealand's Potential: The Power of Localism Through City and Regional Deals

Wellington (Tuesday, 28 May 2024) - New research from The New Zealand Initiative suggests city and regional deals could be a key to unlocking New Zealand's economic potential and boosting living standards across the country. The research note, "City and regional deals", draws on the Initiative's previous work on localism and international best practices to explore how partnerships between central and local government can empower communities to tackle their unique challenges and seize opportunities for growth. Read more

28 May, 2024
Website rn

A far-right falling out in Europe

As the European Parliament elections loom next month, a political earthquake is reshaping the landscape of the continent’s far-right. In a stunning move, Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National (RN) party has abruptly severed ties with its long-time German ally, the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
28 May, 2024
Research Note City deals with outline

City and regional deals

This report, "City and regional deals", draws on the Initiative's extensive work on localism and international best practices to explore how partnerships between central and local government can empower communities to tackle their unique challenges and seize opportunities for growth. "For too long, our councils have borne the costs of growth while the benefits flow almost entirely to central government in Wellington," says Dr Oliver Hartwich, Executive Director of the New Zealand Initiative. Read more

Research Note
28 May, 2024

The Platform: Dr Oliver Hartwich talks about the upcoming Budget Day

Dr Oliver Hartwich talks to Sean Plunket on The Platform about the importance and implications of the upcoming New Zealand government budget. He emphasises focusing on key figures like the return to budget surplus and controlling government spending, which have long-term consequences for the country, rather than getting bogged down in granular details. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
Sean Plunket
The Platform
27 May, 2024
website simon bridges

Bridges burned: Former minister’s need for speed exposed

In a shocking turn of events that has rocked the nation to its core, it has been revealed that Simon Bridges, the former minister and newly appointed chairman of the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA), received a speeding ticket in 2018. This earth-shattering news has sent shockwaves through the country, leaving citizens wondering whether the very fabric of our society is falling apart. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
Insights Newsletter
24 May, 2024
2024 05 23 Jonathan Rauch Website

Podcast: Jonathan Rauch and the Constitution of Knowledge

In this episode, Michael and James talk to Jonathan Rauch, famed American journalist and senior fellow at the Brookings Institute. They discuss the importance of free speech and open debate for the advancement of knowledge and the health of our society. Read more

Dr Michael Johnston
Dr James Kierstead
Jonathan Rauch
23 May, 2024

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