website david seymour

Capital Markets Report: Opening the door to investment

For over a decade, we at The New Zealand Initiative have been staunch advocates for liberalising New Zealand’s foreign direct investment (FDI) regime. Our consistent message has been that New Zealand needs an influx of foreign capital to accelerate economic growth, and that our current FDI rules are overly restrictive, acting as a significant deterrent to potential investors. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
NZ Herald
13 June, 2024
website ecb

The big eurozone gamble

The European Central Bank’s decision to cut interest rates for the first time since 2019 is a significant turning point in the Eurozone’s monetary policy. After months of grappling with stubbornly high inflation, the ECB has finally blinked, betting that the worst of the post-pandemic price pressures are behind us. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
11 June, 2024
2024 06 07 fixing NZ university funding website

Podcast: Fixing New Zealand's university funding

In this episode, Michael and James talk to Dr Dennis Wesselbaum about issues with New Zealand's current university funding model, which relies heavily on student enrollment numbers. They explore potential reforms to create a more stable and effective system that balances access, workforce preparation, and research excellence. Read more

Dr Michael Johnston
Dr James Kierstead
Dr Dennis Wesselbaum
7 June, 2024

Public inquiry needed on the Manurewa Marae allegations

Last weekend, deeply disturbing allegations emerged that the privacy of New Zealanders’ census data was grossly violated in the lead-up to the 2023 general election. Media reports include allegations that confidential personal information collected during the 2023 census on behalf of Statistics New Zealand was illicitly copied for private benefit. Read more

Dr Bryce Wilkinson
Insights Newsletter
7 June, 2024
website donald trump

Trump talks New Zealand expansion

The nation is in shock following reports that former President of the USA, Donald Trump, is eyeing up New Zealand as a retirement option. With the two-term limit on the American presidency due to kick in if he wins the coming election, the former host of NBC’s ‘The Apprentice’ is considering a quiet exit from politics as New Zealand’s premier. Read more

Max Salmon
Insights Newsletter
7 June, 2024

Podcast: Challenges and solutions in NZ education

In this episode, Michael talks to Craig Dobson, a veteran science teacher, about the changes and challenges in the New Zealand education system over the past three decades. They discuss the impact of education reforms, the evolving role of teachers, issues with student achievement and teacher retention, and potential solutions to improve the system. Read more

Dr Michael Johnston
Craig Dobson
31 May, 2024

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