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EPS 143 Cycle Gabrielle

Podcast: The economic effects of Cyclone Gabrielle

Resilient infrastructure is crucial for protecting people during disasters and ensuring that communities can bounce back quickly in the aftermath of a crisis. Two powerful examples of this can be seen in New Zealand's response to the 2011 Christchurch earthquake and, more recently, Cyclone Gabrielle. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
Dr Eric Crampton
Dr Bryce Wilkinson
15 February, 2023
Houses Wellington

Local autonomy ends when it wrecks housing affordability

Chris Bishop asked an excellent question during last week’s Select Committee hearings into the government’s proposed Natural and Built Environment Act. “Where does local democracy stop and the legitimate …national interest kick in?” The question cuts to the heart of one of the debates around resource management reform. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
14 February, 2023
EPS 139 Christian van der Pump

Podcast: Building market failure

In this week's podcast The New Zealand Initiative's chief economist, Dr Eric Crampton, chats with Christian van der Pump about building regulations, fire safety and the causes of 'market failure' in the building industry. Christian van der Pump is a professional engineer with qualifications in chemistry, engineering and economics. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
Christian van der Pump
18 January, 2023
LG Illustration HighRes copy

Whither local government?

Perhaps the timing was simply a coincidence. But not long after central government firmed up its intention to take water infrastructure away from local government, and its intention to shift planning up from local councils to regional bodies, Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta opened a review of local government. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
13 December, 2022

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