Cover transport submission

Submission: Transport Emissions - Pathways to Net Zero by 2050

In our submission to the Ministry of Transport on transport emissions - pathways to net zero by 2050, we support the commitment to lower emissions and our national emissions targets. MoT’s strategy to reduce transport emissions is incompatible with national targets. Read more

23 June, 2021
cover page Com Com submission v2

Submission: Ensuring our energy and airports regulation is fit for purpose

In our submission to the Commerce Commission on its open letter "Ensuring our energy and airports regulation is fit for purpose" we urge the Commerce Commission to act consistently with our statutory emissions targets as they are worded in the legislation. Terms like “decarbonisation,” “energy transition” and “low carbon economy” are not consistent with our statutory targets. Read more

7 May, 2021
Climate change comm submission cover march v3

Submission: Draft Emissions Budget

In our submission to the Climate Change Commission on the draft emissions budget, we support the commitments to emissions targets under the Paris agreement and to net zero emissions from 2050. We have two overarching recommendations that we explain in the submission: 1. Read more

25 March, 2021
Submission cover

Submission: The third consultation round of Phase 2 of the Reserve Bank Act Review

Read our submission, written by Dr Bryce Wilkinson to Treasury and the Reserve Bank. This submission is in response to the third round of consultation on Phase 2 of the review of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act. Read more

Dr Bryce Wilkinson
Roger Partridge
20 October, 2020
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Submission: Better protections for contractors

Read our submission, written by Roger Partridge, to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), on Better protections for contractors: Discussion document for public feedback. In this submission we draw upon the research and recommendations from our July 2019 report, Work in Progress: Why Fair Pay Agreements would be bad for labour. Read more

Roger Partridge
14 February, 2020
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Submission: Designing a Fair Pay Agreements System Discussion Paper

This submission is in response to the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment's (MBIE) Discussion Paper, Designing a Fair Pay Agreements System. In making this submission, the authors have drawn on the research and recommendations in our July 2019 report, Work in Progress: Why Fair Pay Agreements would be bad for labour, and say despite the overwhelming evidence against FPAs, if the government nevertheless introduces a framework permitting FPAs, and if the FPAs are to have any legitimacy, they must: be introduced incrementally, targeting only industries where there is evidence of labour markets failing workers and employers. Read more

Dr Bryce Wilkinson
Roger Partridge
26 November, 2019
Submission cover Phase 2 of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act Review August 2019

Submission: Phase 2 of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act Review (August 2019)

This submission is in response to the second round of consultation on Phase 2 of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act review. Written by Roger Partridge and Dr Bryce Wilkinson, this submission focuses on four issues raised in consultation documents 2A and 2B, namely: What high-level financial policy objectives should the Reserve Bank have? Read more

Dr Bryce Wilkinson
Roger Partridge
16 August, 2019

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